Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy February!

Where does the time go?

I've officially completed my recent block of classes and now I'm taking 3 weeks off of school in order to regain my focus. Work demands were pulling from my allotted homework & class time and honestly, I thought there was no way I was going to pass these courses.

To my pleasant surprise, I made it!

So I take a break now and gather my wits, and when classes resume for me on March 9, I will only be taking one at a time. First up, Cultural Diversity. Stay Tuned..

Meanwhile, I'm conducting a search for a new car. Well, new to me anyway. I may have been successful. Stay tuned on that one too...

And finally, the voting season on Idol begins tonight! Do you have any favorites? I've seen a few people that I like, but I would prefer not to emotionally invest myself in someone that Fox has forcefed down our throats in the early audition/Hollywood rounds. I'm going to try and hold off from publicly supporting someone until we get to the top 12.

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